
Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Truly Important

I was sitting at my desk on this not so easy day. My burdens weighing so heavy on me that my heart was starting to pound and my thoughts about myself were not very good ones. I couldn't take anymore and I began to cry. As I laid my head down on my desk and let the tears begin to flow, I said allowed to myself, "I'm drowning and no one seems to notice or care". Then, just as the painful thought left my mouth, I heard the sound of a church bell. It was coming from my phone.
Recently I had downloaded a new Bible app to my phone and it sends a verse of the day...but never at 11:00. I opened the app and there was a verse:
"For unto us a Child is born, unto us a son is given; and the government shall be upon His shoulder; and His name shall be called, Wonderful, Counselor. The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace." Isaiah 9:6
As I read the Inspiration that goes with the daily verse, it talked about heavy responsibility and burdens and how hard those can be in life. However, it went on to talk about how Jesus already shouldered the burden of sin and lifted that from us. Then it said;
"Never forget, never lose perspective or be ungrateful for the gift of life and salvation given to us by Him, for that is what is truly important."
Yes, burdens of life can be tough. We can feel forgotten, lost, cast aside, different, disconnected and unimportant. We can have money troubles, relationship troubles, work troubles. We can feel like we are at our wits end and nothing will ever get better or go right for us. We can feel the burdens of those around us. We can feel helpless, clueless and just less than we are. Burdens are tough, but thankfully God is tougher.
It's easy to let the burdens of life blur the blessings of life. It's easy to focus on what we don't have rather than what we do. It's easy to see what's wrong rather than look for what's right. The thing of it is, easy usually isn't best. It's the things worth working for that are worth having. The effort makes us appreciative and we'll want to keep and take care of that for which we worked.
So, we need to work hard to see the blessing not the burden. We need to work hard to see what we have instead of what we don't. We need to work hard to see what's right instead of what's wrong, because hard work offers purpose and purpose produces gratefulness and heart filled with gratefulness -and Jesus- will remember what is truly important in life.
Was that random verse of the day a message from God? Does God do that? I don't really know. All I know is that it came to me in a moment that I truly needed it. When I said allowed, "No one seems to care"...God showed me that He does and reminded me to ...

"Never forget, never lose perspective or be ungrateful for the gift of life and salvation given to us by Him, for that is what is truly important."